Portia Dai


Portia Dai is a junior from Fairfax, VA studying English and Secondary Education. When she isn't busy lesson planning (she's student teaching this year) you have a good chance of catching her running in and out of the Media Suite or strolling around CW. She needs everyone she meets to know that her favorite animal is a duck and that she is up for a game of Word Hunt on Game Pigeon at any time.

Email Portia

Grace Rivera


Grace is a junior studying journalism and music. She will tell you that she is from Florida, but she moved to Newport News, VA five years ago. She loves Gilmore Girls, Suits, La Casa De Papel, and any movie you recommend her. Beyond the screen, Grace’s passions include reading, reviewing movies on Letterboxd, and creating dozens of incredibly specific playlists with only one or two songs. If you spot her on campus, feel free to help her with her playlists by suggesting your favorite song!

Email Grace

Peerawut Ruangsawasdi


Peerawut is a government major from Alexandria, Virginia. Outside of the Flat Hat Magazine, he is involved in several other clubs on campus, such as the Salsa Club. He loves Thai food and is trying to learn the alto saxophone and the violin. His favorite show, though it fluctuates, at the time of writing, is Yes, Minister.

Leah Kohler

Creative director

Leah is a freshman from Connecticut who is planning on majoring in neuroscience and minoring in public health. She is still very much a New Englander, often complaining about the weather here and shocking Virginians with how little she knows about local fast food chains. And yes, she does listen to a lot of Noah Kahan. When not in the ISC (where she spends most of her day), you can find her exploring new places or spending quality time with her friends.

Sam Belmar

Managing Editor

Sam Belmar is a sociology and French double major. He’s a member of the Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity and enjoys playing basketball in his free time. He aspires to work as a journalist after college. Email him at sabelmar@wm.edu

Sophia Kaisermann

Digital Director

Sophia is a sophomore from Radnor, PA double majoring in English and environmental policy. Outside of the magazine, she is the digital storyteller at the W&M Office of Sustainability, where she blends her passions for writing and the environment. You can often find Sophia visiting the farmers market, plotting ways to get stamps on loyalty cards, or giving campus tours to prospective students (and she will definitely ask you about your favorite thing about W&M if she spots you during a tour).

Daniel Choi

Business Manager

Daniel Choi (he/him) is a junior from South Korea, majoring in Government with a minor in Marketing at William & Mary. He serves as the Business Manager for the Flat Hat Magazine, where he is dedicated to securing advertisements and maintaining the publications' presence on campus and in the community. Daniel is also the Chief of Staff in the Economics Club, fostering connections among students interested in Economics. Additionally, he is the Sponsorship Coordinator for TEDx at William & Mary 2025. In his free time, Daniel enjoys exploring culinary arts, visiting modern museums, playing golf, and indulging in his love for coffee and tea.

Mary Rice

Copy Editor

Mary is an English major and creative writing minor from Lexington, Kentucky. When she isn't studying in Swem, you can probably find her reading a book, practicing her cello, or ordering an iced coffee from Aromas.

Alex Hill

Writer and Design Editor

Alex hates coffee but loves coffee shops, wanders and always gets lost, and suffers from picking outfits before checking the weather. She has moved 12 times and listens to forever-relevant 2010s club music (e.g. "Last Friday Night" and "Time of Our Lives").

Charlotte Muller

Style editor

Charlotte is a freshman majoring in Economics and Environmental Policy and is also involved in Alpha Chi Omega and Public Policy Club on campus. She enjoys going on runs, drawing and painting, and cooking random food in her dorm in her free time. She’s always loved fashion and spends hours watching runway shows on YouTube, and she’s incredibly excited to be a Style Editor!

Catherine Power

Design editor

Catherine is a freshman from Alexandria, VA (yes, another NOVA resident) who plans to double major in International Relations and French & Francophone Studies. When not stuck in swem, you can find her at Syndicate rehearsal or listening to Lana Del Rey. She is also addicted to caf hot chocolate and once had it 5 times in one day. This is her first semester on the Flat Hat staff, and she looks forward to the experience in design it will give her.

Not Pictured

Editor Emeritus: Andrew Johnson and Emilia Marshall

COPY Editors: Claire Lazarus, Hannah Reid, Preethi Kuppuri, Anna Harrington, Clare Thomas, Molly Drew

Design Editors: Clare Pacella and Caroline Page

Digital Editors: Alex nakamitsu and Taiga Lewis

Photo Editor: Ryan Goodman and Eunice Lee

Style Editors: Hannah McMinn, Aggie Rigo Saitta, Richa Verma

Writers: Sofia Hurlbert